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Wednesday 23 December 2015

Saturday 11 April 2015

What are 10 important things most students do in college?

  1. Make at least one lifelong friend

2.   Get drunk off of cheap wine

3.  Take a course in a subject you know nothing about

4.   Have one song become the soundtrack to your life

5.   Pull an all-nighter writing an essay or studying for an exam(almost everyone will do it )

6.  Do something stupid while drunk (it could get serious)

7.  Ask a girl on a real date (skip if you are in IIT)

8.   Discover you're passionate about a particular subject, even if it's not what you major in

9.   Experience heartbreak

10.  Realize that you'll never have this much freedom again

source - Quora

Wednesday 8 April 2015

What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet? Best of all time

What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet?

  1. TED-Ed (Highly Recommended): TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within TED-Ed’s growing library of lessons, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform.
  2. Shots of Awe (Highly Recommended) - Jason Silva (the host of Brain Games) will certainly blow your mind! 
  3. thenewboston (Recommended): You will learn more by watching Bucky Roberts teach you stuff than by spending time anywhere else. From Photoshop to Python to C++ to Java to Adobe Effects - you name it!
  4. How to start a startup: Everything about how to start a startup, for free, from some of the world experts. The series of lectures offer close to 1,000 minutes of content if you watch it all.
Additions to Websites and Blogs you can follow:
  1. Spirit Science: Everything related to existence, life, spirituality and more.
  2. The Next Web: One of the best sources for technology and business related news. They have quite an active Youtube channel as well which is worth checking out. 
  3. Gibbon: Gibbon is an amazing source of curated knowledge from an inspiring community. It offers what they call as "playlists for learning" wherein you get to learn things via articles, videos and more - all in step by step manner.
  4. Oliver Emberton: Oliver is an inspiring writer. He is like those teachers who break a hard to understand concept of life into an example that will stay with you for a long time. I am a regular reader of his blog and I can vouch for the quality and effectiveness of his writing. Bonus: You can also follow him on Quora: Oliver Emberton.
  5. 8tracks (Highly Recommended): Go nowhere else for great music on the internet! 
  6. Digital Inspiration: Mr. Amit Agarwal authors the hugely popular and award-winning Digital Inspiration blog where he writes how-to guidesaround computer software, consumer gadgets, and web apps. You will be surprised by how much you can learn by just following his blog weekly!
  7. Less Wrong: A community blog that will make you question yourself, your life and your existence as a whole - offering you a more rational perspective on the whole. Ex article: Simulate and Defer To More Rational Selves 
  8. HubSpot Blog (Recommended): If you are a business professional (especially a Marketer) then you should not miss Hubspot at all. It's famous for its amazing and quality content on everything. Ex article:Psychology for Marketers: 9 Revealing Principles of Human Behavior.
  9. Buffer blog: Everything related to social media. They offer creative content and will never bore you with their articles. Even if you are not a social media professional, you will end up loving some of their articles. Ex article: 15 Psychological Studies That Will Boost Your Marketing.
  10. Medium : An amazing place to blog (I love their design) and be a part of a growing community of storytellers from around the world.
Original Answer
There are numerous websites, blogs, Youtube channels etc out there for you to make the most of your time when wired in.

Here's a list of some blogs and websites that you can follow:
  1. Brain Pickings (Highly recommended)Brain Pickings is a human-powered discovery engine for interestingness, a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why, bringing you things you didn’t know you were interested in — until you are. It is maintained by Maria Popova who reads over 12-13 books a week to post all the awesomeness that's in there.
  2. HowStuffWorks (HighlyRecommended) - HowStuffWorks is a wholly owned subsidiary of Discovery Communications and is the award-winning source of credible, unbiased, and easy-to-understand explanations of how the world actually works. Gamut of categories to feed your intellectual hunger.
  3. TED: Ideas worth spreading - Learn from the experts by watching under 20 minutes of mind expanding talks. Start with Sir Ken Robinson's talk:-How schools kill creativity!
  4. Investopedia- Learn everything there is to know about finance. From dictionary to tutorials, they have it all!
  5. Mind Tools - An amazing website to train you in different aspects of life!
  6. Mental Floss - An amazing website that offers random, interesting articles and facts.
  7. The Art of Manliness - Another mind expanding blog to keep you inspired and intellectually hungry. Example article The Power of Ritual: Building Shared Worlds and Bonds That Transcend the Everyday
  8. BBC - Future - Know more about the future stuff that matters. Example:Timeline of the far future
  9. Litemind .(Recommended) - Litemind is about exploring ways to use our minds efficiently. Covering articles on being more creative,thinking more clearlyboosting your brainpowerdeveloping yourself andmore.
  10. Entrepreneur. - For all the entrepreneurs out there.The website offers some amazing insights related to entrepreneurial world.
  11. Stumbleupon (Recommended) : This helps in discovering more stuff that interests you!
  12. Big Think: They have some great stuff!
  13. The Mind Unleashed: Helps you discover yourself scientifically, culturally and intellectually. Example article: What If Everything You Were Ever Taught Was A Lie?
  14. Top Documentary Films - - Choose from a wide category and watch some interesting documentaries. Example (and favorite one): The Century of the Self (Highly recommended)
  15. Free Online Course Materials (MIT OpenCourseWare), Coursera,edX- They need no introduction!
  16. Project Gutenberg - Find over 40,000 ebooks
  17. Goodreads - Learn more about your favorite books, review them, find lists, award winning books, quotes, trivia, join reading groups etc. 
  18. Zenpecils - Meet art + inspiration + mind expansion.
  19. MAKE- DIY Projects, how-tos and inspiration from geeks, makers and hackers.
  20. Duolingo (Highly Recommended): Want to learn a new language but can't find a reliable source? Duolingo is your solution.
  21. The Muse: For some kick-ass career advice and more!
  22. Coffitivity - Did you know that cafes are one of the best places to spark your creativity? Since now you do, check out coffitivity that creates the atmosphere of a coffee shop straight from your laptop/PC.
  23. IFTT: Standing for “if this then that,” IFTTT helps different apps, online programs, and services work together to make your life way easier. Think getting the weather texted to you every morning or having your photos automatically save to Dropbox. :D
  24. Codeacademy (Highly Recommended): Extremely addictive website that helps you make the most of your time on the internet and teaches you all about the languages that back it and more!
  25. Canva: Love designing? Then here's Canva for you that makes designing insanely easy for you and the only limitation is your imagination.
  26. Sporcle: Sporcle is still the best place on the internet for testing your knowledge. You can take quizzes on any topic imaginable, which is a pretty fun way to learn new things (and also to challenge your co-workers to see who knows more about obscure TV references or countries of the world).
  27. FACTSlides → Amazing FACTS you didn't know!: FACTSlides allows you to click through a variety of random facts that not only feed your curiosity, but are also perfect fodder for the break room. For example, did you know that UPS delivery trucks save 10 million gallons of gas every year by making no left turns?
  28. 99U : An amazing blog that keeps your brain healthy by stimulating it with beautiful insights into creativity and more!
  29. Fast Company (Highly Recommended): You will never get bored of FastCo if you love business, innovation and everything in between.
  30. zenhabits: One of the most popular blogs out there. Leo's advice on life and his thoughts about stuff we take for granted is marked by extremely meticulous and perspicuous insights.
  31. Farnam Street: Recently discovered this gem of a blog. From Psychology, to books, to decision making, one can find very interesting reads on the blog.
Now some Youtube channels that you can follow!
  1. Veritasium
  2. Vsauce (Highly Recommended)
  3. MinutePhysics 
  4. Numberphile 
  5. SciShow 
  6. AsapSCIENCE(Highly Recommended)
  7. The RSA 
  8. Big Think (Recommended)
  9. eHow (Recommended)
  10. SmarterEveryDay
Source :Quora 

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Awesome geeky WhatsApp status

Awesome geeky WhatsApp status 

i know what are you searching for here you go enjoy the best whatsapp status for GEEKS

  • If “Plan A” didn't work. Don’t worry; the alphabet has 25 more letters.

  • I had a horribly busy day converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.

  • Dear Samsung, please also start selling jeans that can accommodate your smartphones.

  • You’re beautiful until your Photoshop 30 day trial has gone.

  • I'm pretty sure my prayers go directly to God's spam folder.

  • I am not fat, I am just easier to see.

  • I never make the same mistake twice. Three, four times maybe. But never twice.

  • They say that alcohol kills slowly. So what? Who's in a hurry?

  • When you wait for a waiter in a restaurant, aren't you a waiter?

  • Try to say the letter "M" without your lips touching.

  • Weird is a side effect of awesome.

  • Relationships are a lot like Algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

  • I heard you took an IQ test and they said your results were negative.

  • I don`t have a bad handwriting, I have my own font.

  • If you`re texting two people at the same time, you are biTextual.

  • My girlfriend is like my iPad...I don`t have an iPad.

  • The longer the title the less important the job.

  • A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.

  • Until I was thirteen I thought my name was 'Shut up'.

  • I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
  • When Life Gives You Questions, Google has Answers.
  • If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0
  • There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

NEW user PAYTM | get free money upto 50rs

  • You can add money to your Paytm Cash account through multiple online payment options like net banking, ATM card, debit card and credit card.
  • To add money to your Paytm Cash , go to " My Account" and click on Paytm Cash.
  • Select the option "I want to add money to my Paytm Cash". On selecting this option, you will be asked to enter the amount of money you would like to add.
  • Next, you need to select the payment option. Once your payment is successful, the amount will get instantly added to your Paytm Cash balance.

  • use these codes to get free money 


    How to link Paytm Wallet to your Uber Account

    How to link Paytm Wallet to your Uber Account

    1. Update and open your Uber App on your Android or Apple phone (Windows phone users may have to wait a while for the updated Uber App with Paytm Wallet)
    2. Tap the profile icon on the top of the screen, tap on ‘Payment’.

    3. Next, tap on add new card icon on top right & then on “Add a Prepaid Wallet” button

    4.  We’ll create one for you, if you do not already have a Paytm Wallet. You will be sent an OTP (One Time Password) on email & as SMS on your Paytm registered mobile number. Simply enter it here, tap on Verify and your account would be now linked!
    Note: Paytm Account holders, using the same mobile number & email ID combination on Uber, will get this OTP on both email & mobile. But if the combination is not the same, the OTP will go to the email or mobile – whichever is registered on Paytm.
    5. Now tap on Add Money & proceed to add money to your wallet using any of the modes you prefer from Debit card,  Credit card or Netbanking.


    Once you have added money to your Paytm Wallet, you are now ready to continue your Uber-smooth rides